Wednesday, April 8, 2009


To many people, Jesus looked like a failure. He announced the Kingdom of God, but there was no kingdom visible. He drew a following, but eventually they betrayed, denied, or forsook Him. He claimed that He came to give life, but He Himself died. One could certainly think that He was a failure.

I had an angry talk with God about failure one time. I had given my best to a demanding job, and the results met with mixed reactions. Some people thought I was not really qualified, others felt the experience had been worthwhile and they could expect improvement, and still others considered I had done reasonably well. I was not accustomed to even minor failure; I was disappointed and hurt. (I did not understand, at that point in my life, that one could do a failure or make a failure and not be a failure.) "I have done all I could and failed," I whined to God.

"I provided Jesus," He seemed to say. "He experienced human sorrows, your hurt and disappointment."

"That's all well and good," I countered. "But You're God! You don't know how sharp and bitter failure tastes."

"Well, there's Jesus," He said again. "And if He is not enough for your situation, then yes, I have done all I could do—and failed."

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