Friday, March 27, 2009

Well, Glory!

Some people I know sigh a lot. When they sit down in a chair, they sigh; when they get up, they sigh. When they sit down to eat, they sigh; when they finish their meal, they sigh. When they are thinking things through, they sigh, and when they've reached a conclusion, they sigh. Other people do or say other things, and they do them so often that their actions become part of their identity for us.

My brother, who only recently passed away, had one of those ingrained, unique habits. "Well, glory!" he would say loudly and often—like this: "Well, GLOW-ree!" I don't remember when he began using that phrase, nor how it originated. But what I think he meant was:

- God is good
- Life is good.
- I'm a contented man

- I'm grateful.

When, on that Saturday afternoon in March, he first stepped onto "the other shore" and viewed eternal things, I imagine his first words might have been, "Well, GLO-RY!"

And more than ever before, he'd have been right.

(All rights reserved)


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