Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Spring Is Almost Here!

Am I rushing the season a bit? This is only the middle of February, but it smells like spring on damp mornings, and my spring bulbs are pushing green shoots through the layer of dry, brown leaves that covered them through the winter. A little yellow crocus greeted me a couple of days ago; that counts for something, doesn't it? On the calendar, the beginning of spring is more than a month away, and Phil Punxsutawney, the spring-forecasting groundhog, says so too, but what does he know?

From my distant educational past, I remember a few lines written by William Wordsworth, "All at once I saw a crowd, a host, of golden daffodils beside the lake, beneath the trees, fluttering and dancing in the breeze." My flower bed won't produce what you could exactly call a crowd of daffodils, but there will be a few and they will delight me! Even after they have faded, their memory will cheer me. Wordsworth wrote "I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud" (or "Daffodils") in 1804 two years after he saw the spectacular swath of daffodils by the lake. The closing lines of his poem reveal that often when he was alone and somewhat pensive, he still remembered the beauty, "And then my heart with pleasure fills, and dances with the daffodils."

Spring is almost here--and I am already dancing!

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