Friday, February 13, 2009

Secret Service

For Valentine's Day, February 14

"What the world needs now is love, sweet love. It's the only thing that there's just too little of . . . [Love] not just for some, but for every, every, everyone." (Burt Bacharach) Lots of people could benefit tomorrow from knowing someone cared about them. I thought you might need some "lead time" if you're going to take action, so I am posting this today, even though it's only the 13th.

If you are certain to get something really wonderful from someone you love, ladies--chocolate, a beautiful card, roses, jewelry with rubies or diamonds--or fellows, a candlelight dinner or a weekend getaway, enjoy! Could you take just a few minutes in the next day or two to give away an expression of caring to someone who does not expect it--and perhaps doesn't even deserve it?

Or maybe the people you love aren't into the sentiment surrounding this particular day or they simply are not able to do what their heart desires. Never mind, if you're loved, be glad! Buy yourself the chocolate, if you want to, and do your own planning of the getaway. And remember to reach out to someone who may be wondering if there is anyone at all who cares.

Or maybe, for whatever reason, you're alone. Perhaps there is no one who would send flowers or treat you to dinner. All the more reason for you to extend your love to someone else who is alone. You know how it feels.

I'm suggesting "secret service" for several reasons. So often when we give, we expect something in return, even if only gratitude. A gift or an act of service that comes from an undisclosed giver cannot be reciprocated, and it's good for us to experience that sometimes. Secret service keeps us free from entanglements that might be undesirable or unwise. And secret service is just so much fun!

(All rights reserved)


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