Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Things Mama Taught Me: Air Out Your Soul

My mother believed in soul-care long before people were talking very much about the concept. She regularly engaged in activities which she declared "aired out her soul." When we lived in the country, she rode one of the horses. She sang loudly while she washed milk cans in the dairy barn. She played hymns on the old upright piano. These things pushed aside whatever difficulties were pressing in that day and brought fresh courage. They kept her soul from becoming stale. They aired it out!

I don't often think about them airing my soul, but I too seek restorative activities:

* Being where there are lots of trees and an expanse of green grass is refreshing for me; if there's a stream or lake, so much the better.

* Looking up into a star-filled sky at night, if I can get away from the city lights, is quieting.

* Taking prayerful and meditative walks restores my soul. I don't have Nickie any longer, the terrier of undetermined heritage, but the long walks on which she took me were good for both of us! I hope some day to repeat that particular exercise.

* Getting my hands into the dirt to make something grow causes my inner growth too.

* Playing the piano is very relaxing, as long as I never do it for anyone but myself! So is singing in the shower and while fixing breakfast. ("Sing like no one's listening!")

Discover for yourself what airs out your own soul. Do it often.


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