Thursday, August 13, 2009

Learning the Rules

"Come and play this game with us. You'll learn the rules as you go along."

Don't you just hate that? I can think of few endeavors where we are expected to follow the rules but are not given an opportunity to learn what those are. We don't do that with our jobs, our group memberships, our business dealings, certainly not with driving a car or getting married! Only with activities that are supposed to be fun!

I am not implying that life is merely a game, especially not the life of faith in Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, there are some rules, if you want to call them that. Perhaps "principles" is a better word, or "life applications." These are things that we learn as we go along that enable us to live in joy and peace. The difference is that God doesn't leave us alone to stumble around until we happen to discover what works, but He comes alongside to ensure that we are successful. Jesus told His followers, "I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth . . . [You] know Him because He abides with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you." (John 14:16-18 NASB)

I have hidden some Easter eggs for the grandkids to find. (This was a long time ago!) They have easily located the green ones that are in the grass and the yellow ones that are among the pansies. But they haven't found the eggs stuck in the drainpipe or wedged into the gatepost. Do I say, "Too bad!" and end the hunt? Of course not! I begin offering hints until they make the connection or I give "warmer/cooler" instructions until they cannot miss the treasure!

Would God be harsher about my finding the truth than I am about the children finding eggs? He encourages us and "gives hints," until we make the connection. He guides and instructs us, and even when we make mistakes, He is still there, persistently correcting our search until we can't miss the Kingdom treasure!

What a wonderful Father and Friend!


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