Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Beautiful Trees

I live in an established neighborhood (read: older section of the city) where the homes are surrounded by mature trees. Huge old elms line the streets and form a golden canopy overhead. [Edit 10-23-09: "Golden Arches," hmm?] Maples are blazing in the park just a block away, and I pause whenever I drive by, just to fill my eyes with the beauty. The trees along our river drive rival those anywhere in the nation; there just aren't as many as in the celebrated tour areas. What a sight!

Wouldn't you think that I would eventually wear out my enthusiasm for the colors of fall leaves? Instead, I find myself more and more awed by the display, as if each October was the first time I'd ever seen it! Although I enjoy temperate weather, I wouldn't trade places with anyone who lives where the seasons do not change much and I could never see a fiery red tree or a brilliant yellow one. If you live where there's even one beautiful tree, enjoy it!

You will want to read "True Colors"
(click here) and "Autumn Colors and Others" (here) if you have not already done so.


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