You know the rest of the line, I'm sure! We'll say it altogether now, ". . . don't say anything at all." This was good advice for confrontational situations with my siblings, but later in life, I had to learn when to speak up and how to do it. 
I sometimes read the online comments that follow news items—but much of the time I don't because so many of them are rude and vitriolic. What is it about anonymity that gives people license to be so intolerant and discourteous? Administrators won't allow obscene comments or threats, but just about anything else goes. I wonder if the writers really feel better after venting or if doing so just enhances their opinion that most other people are idiots, derelicts, or crooks.
And it's not only political and social figures that are blasted. I just finished reading some comparisons of mixes for baked goods. Among many appreciative and helpful comments, some people said:
"(The Such-and-Such goods) suck." [This may be inelegant, but not really as vulgar and offensive as it once was.)

I sometimes read the online comments that follow news items—but much of the time I don't because so many of them are rude and vitriolic. What is it about anonymity that gives people license to be so intolerant and discourteous? Administrators won't allow obscene comments or threats, but just about anything else goes. I wonder if the writers really feel better after venting or if doing so just enhances their opinion that most other people are idiots, derelicts, or crooks.
And it's not only political and social figures that are blasted. I just finished reading some comparisons of mixes for baked goods. Among many appreciative and helpful comments, some people said:
"(The Such-and-Such goods) suck." [This may be inelegant, but not really as vulgar and offensive as it once was.)
"(Baked goods) are just as easy to make from scratch as they are from a box, and they taste about a thousand times better. Why so lazy, everybody???"
"This is ridiculous . . . poor quality."
"Anybody who has not tried (Such-and-Such brand) has no right to comment on the issue."
Who knew folks could feel so strongly about what we baked? Don't we believe that "nothing says lovin' like something from the oven"?
Many times opinions are merely interesting points of conversation, and as such they shouldn't be allowed to destroy good social interaction. But sometimes we find ourselves in difficult situations concerning things that truly matter, and we need to express an honest opinion even though it is negative
in content. Perhaps we have been asked for it, or it becomes our moral duty to speak out. It's right to have our opinion, and sometimes it is right to express it strongly. But if you can't say something nice, find a nice way—a respectful, decent way—to say what must be said. That excludes angry controlling and name-calling and put-downs.
Do read "Don't Try to Force Your Opinion on Others" which is something else Mama taught me. (Click here)
"Anybody who has not tried (Such-and-Such brand) has no right to comment on the issue."
Who knew folks could feel so strongly about what we baked? Don't we believe that "nothing says lovin' like something from the oven"?
Many times opinions are merely interesting points of conversation, and as such they shouldn't be allowed to destroy good social interaction. But sometimes we find ourselves in difficult situations concerning things that truly matter, and we need to express an honest opinion even though it is negative

Do read "Don't Try to Force Your Opinion on Others" which is something else Mama taught me. (Click here)
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