Thursday, November 5, 2009

Things Mama Taught Me: Why? "Because I Said So"

I'm not sure every parent or child advocate would agree that "Because I told you so," is a fitting answer
when a child asks why. Surely they must recognize, though, that a whiny "why" because he/she does not want to cooperate is far different from "Why is the moon moving with us?" or "Why did Grandpa die?" These deserve the most thoughtful answers we can give. But breathes there a parent who has not replied to the seventeenth complaining "But why," with an exasperated, "Because I said so!"

My parents did not say this often,
but when they did, I knew we had reached the end of the discussion. I would have to accept quietly the possibility that they knew what was good for me more clearly than I did. I might not agree, but I could not argue; the decision was not negotiable. This is one of the ways in which I learned that there existed authority to which I must defer, whether or not I understood or agreed.

There are rules that define our civic duty as well. One must stop at red lights, even if no one is approaching. You may not keep more than two dogs at your residence (in my city). Without my permission, other people must not take things out of my mailbox. Why? Because the authorities said so—and with good reason. We might not understand or agree, but we comply.
God has some rules too. Some of them He has explained clearly; others may not be so plain initially—although often we can see the wisdom of His commands when we are more mature as Christians. He does not bludgeon us with "Because I said so." Nevertheless, we sometimes have to accept what He has said without having discussion about it. "Thou shalt not kill." Thou shalt not commit adultery." "Thou shalt not steal." What is there not to understand?

"Rejoice in the Lord always." "Never stop praying." "Be kind to one another, forgiving each other." What difference does it make whether or not I keep these "rules"? Just why should I keep them?

Because He said so. He knows what is good for me more clearly than I do. I may not agree, but it doesn't help to argue. End of discussion.


Perhaps you'll want to read or re-read, "It Doesn't Mean Me" [
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