Big mistake! I ran across several envelopes of photos I took during trips in the past, along with maps, travel folders, and notes I'd made about our activities. There are also some half-finished and almost-forgotten scrapbook pages which were supposed to incorporate those pictures and memorabilia. It may be time to renew my efforts along that line before I cannot remember who the people are!
There were family photos too. It was a special treat to see my grandchildren at Christmas when they were five and three, and later at seven and five. Kids at Christmas are so much fun! I am ready now to recycle the catalogs and wallpaper sample books from which they created masterpieces

Not everything I found in the boxes brought back happy thoughts. Sometimes I remembered, "Oh, that was the trip when . . . " or "Wasn't that the year that . . . ?" Memories have to be sorted too. Some need to be kept forever. Others need to be acknowledged and felt but, at the same time, given little opportunity to crowd out the wonderful blessings that make up my past.
Art from http://www.sxc.hu/
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