I don't suppose it's easy to deal with the injuries that six children can inflict upon themselves or one another. But prevention is preferable to repair, so my mother tried at least to warn us. Running in the house was, to begin with, not permitted, but to run while carrying some sharp object called for a stern reminder. While painful damage can be done by crashing into a table or slipping on a rug, that still is minor compared to a deep stab wound or worse, the loss of an eye. We had to learn to handle helpful, but potentially dangerous, things with special care.
That is still true in our adult lives; there are some things where dangers exist side by side with benefits. The vehicles we drive are an example. Used without caution, they are lethal monsters on the highway. Guns, prescription drugs, and poisonous weed killers have to be handled responsibly. Fire, natural gas, and the water coming from the garden hose have to be controlled
Cell phones, internet access, and all kinds of reading material—what would we do without them? But wise use, and sometimes even restraint, is needed in order to keep usefulness outweighing the possible negative results
Food, sleep, and sex are life-enhancing. Out of balance with the rest of life, though, they can become controlling and addictive. Money, power and prestige, material possessions and personal charm all have great benefits, but only when they are subject to responsible stewardship.
It may be comfortable or convenient for a child who always runs everywhere to also run when he/she is carrying scissors. And it may seem temporarily to our advantage to leave caution aside when we handle things that have potential for harm. We must then keep in mind the admonition, "Don't run with scissors."
Because prevention is infinitely preferable to repair.
You might also like "Things Mama Taught Me: Don't Play with Fire" here.
Art from htp://www.sxc.hu/
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