Loving in Deed
This morning before seven o'clock a crew began arriving at the big two-story house across the street. A huge bin was delivered from the trash hauling company (and carried away full, three times.) A moto
rized lift sat in the driveway, there so that a painter could reach the high gables. Men arrived in pickup trucks and SUV's with chain saws and ladders, women with paint rollers and hedge clippers until by 10:00, there were over thirty workers on hand. They were part of a city-wide effort by local churches to "love" our city by cleaning, painting, and doing other jobs that improve the living in our hometown. Thousands of volunteers from around thirty-five local churches united in service and outreach to the poor, elderly, or disabled as well as to public properties such as parks and schools.
This endeavor to show Christ's love in a visible way was carefully planned, beginning several weeks ago. From time to time today, I observed what I can only call a
transformation in progress. Maybe this was not an "extreme makeover" in the TV sense of the word, but it's probably as close as we'll ever see on the street where I live! Amazing! But the crew didn't stop with painting the whole house, hauling off old furniture, and clearing away a lot of brush. They also did some new landscaping with beautiful shrubs to dress up the front of the house and a stepping stone path through the back yard to the dog house!
John, the Apostle of Love, wrote "Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions." (I John 3:18) I saw that demonstrated in such a fine way across the street today.
Scripture quotation is taken from The Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. United States of America. All rights reserved.
Art from http://www.sxc.hu/
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