Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Saving Touch

"Daughter, your faith has healed you.
Go in peace."
There was something different about the little woman who crept up close to Jesus and touched the hem of His garment, believing that by doing so she would be made whole. (See Luke 8:40-47) A crowd surrounded Jesus, pressing close. He was so busy, just now on His way to see a little girl who was dying. The disciples tried to run interference for Him, "Make way! Let us through, make way!"

I think that not only the faithful followers of Jesus were there that day. In the crowd were probably the curiosity-seekers too. "Hey, can you move a bit? I want to see what's going on, too."

There were the awestruck worshippers, not of Christ's divinity but more of His celebrity status. "Yes, I've been following Him around, but I can't catch His eye. Isn't He magnificent?"

Interested news-seekers. "Can you believe what He just said? He's like a god!"

Impressed onlookers. "Say, He speaks like He knows what He's talking about!"

And probably the disgruntled too. "I don't understand why this is such a big deal. I just wish things would settle down."

Then came an interruption. Jesus stopped. He turned around. "Who touched my clothes?" He asked.

The disciples looked at Him, astonished. "Jesus," one of them said, "a lot of people have touched You. They're crowding all around You, even jostling You. How can you even think to ask who touched You?"

But it was not a curious touching to see if He felt like other people. Not a touch to be remembered and to brag about how close you were. It was not a touch to comfort and affirm nor to threaten. It was the reaching out in faith, a saving touch. Jesus knew that, for He felt power go out from Himself through that touch.

The woman came forward, trembling, and confessed what she had done. "I knew if I could just touch the hem of Your cloak, I would be well. I am! I was healed the instant I touched You!"

It is much the same today. Not everyone who touches Jesus is changed. There are the curious, because religion often makes the news. There are the interested who say, like one author, "I dig Jesus. He's cool." Some are truth-seekers, and they think maybe Jesus has something for them. A few, convinced of their need, simply touch Him in faith.

That's how we're changed.


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