Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Flying by Instrument

My brother, having his private pilot's license, was flying my toddler daughter and me to see "Grampy" who was very ill in the hospital. He had never met the little girl as her adoption into the family had occurred only a few months before. I recall that day as being overcast, perhaps even rainy, and visibility was extremely limited. How could we land safely if we couldn't even see the ground? "Not to worry," my brother told me as he spoke to controllers by radio and listened to their instructions.

At last we burst through the layer of gray clouds—and there was the runway, exactly in front of us. I was hugely impressed! What the pilot couldn't determine with his own skillful judgment, he entrusted to the instruments in his cockpit and to people on the ground who could direct him.

We often cannot see clearly where each aspect of our faith journey is taking us. We are completely "clouded" in, and cannot imagine how we will ever come safely to a place of peace and rest. That is the time to fly by "instrument," not our own senses. We have the Word of God to direct us. We also have the wisdom and experience of others who are on this journey; some, having already completed it, have left us valuable encouragement and advice. We have the Spirit of God, Who is the ultimate "control tower operator."

Our feelings can be unreliable when in comes to determining our course, just as I could not have found the landing strip through those heavy clouds. And even when we can see, our judgment may be faulty, just as airplanes crash all the time "due to pilot error." But when we put our trust in the instruments we have been given to make our spiritual journey, and we will reach our Destination safely.


Art from htttp://www.sxc.hu/

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